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Mamkeznéwen [Moccasin]

One of the most prominent and competitive games among Potawatomi men is mamkeznéwen [moccasin]. Forming two teams, each are comprised of a finder/hider, scorekeeper, drummers and singers. Using theatrics, each team is tasked with hiding a small token under one of four moccasins in an attempt to disguise its location and confuse opponents. With the token concealed, drummers and singers …


Massaw was an influential and distinguished woman among the Wabash Potawatomi. Her presence and words carried weight in councils, a right customarily reserved for men. She descended from a line of leadership, as her father Wassato was also a respected ogema (leader). Massaw resided in the village of headman Giwani, her cabin reserved for the mediation of both tribal and …

McCartney, Edward

McCartney was a trader and business partner of Alexis Coquillard. Through his dealings with local Potawatomi, he married Mary Ann Benache, daughter of headman Benache or Segnak.

Medicine Wheel

Our bmadzewen [existence] is built on a sacred principle of four. Our medicines, lifecycles, directional powers, and the creation and destruction of worlds are connected through this belief, symbolized by our medicine wheel. Color: White [each color represents the four races of man Creator placed on earth] Direction: Wech-ksenyak [North] Season: Bbon [Winter] Life Cycle: Elder Medicine: Wishkpemishkos [Sweetgrass] Element: …

Metea [To Sulk]

Metea was a highly celebrated warrior and leader among the Indiana and Illinois Potawatomi. His village, known as Meskwawasebyéton, was located near Fort Wayne, Indiana. As a warrior, Metea was instrumental in numerous campaigns against the encroaching Americans. He was an active leader during the War of 1812 and a valued ally to Shawnee leader Tecumseh. His reputation as a …

Méznakwe’gémgek [Printing Press]

64in L x 45in W x 48in H The Chandler and Price printing press was used at Sacred Heart Mission and later St. Gregory’s University. The press was used to print religious and educational materials, notices and one of the earliest publications in Oklahoma, the Indian Advocate. The printing press is on loan from the Mabee-Gerrer Museum of Art and …


For millennia, Native communities have occupied the southern region of Wisconsin the area that would become Milwaukee. In the early 17th century, Potawatomi refugees fleeing Iroquoian raiding parties in central Michigan, established settlements in the Green Bay and Milwaukee areas. As the settlements grew into large trade centers, French-Canadian explorers and traders were lured to the area known by the …

Mission Hill Hospital

In early 2019, the Citizen Potawatomi Nation and the Pottawatomie Board of County Commissioners reached an agreement regarding approximately 20 acres of land known as the Mission Hill property. Pottawatomie County Commissioners conveyed the property to Citizen Potawatomi Nation. Pottawatomie County was given the property under the mandatory legal requirement that it would be used by the county exclusively for …

Mjegodé [Dress]

23in W x 45in L The dress was made by Citizen Potawatomi tribal member Julia Navarre and worn by Eva L. Navarre, Viola A. Navarre and granddaughter Gladys B. Small. It is made of a light brown cotton material and yarn [white, orange, red and green]. A handwritten note that was donated with the dress reads, “dress worn by Eva …

Mjegodé [Wedding Dress]

50in L x 21in W x 21in D The wedding dress was worn by tribal member Mary Anderson when she married Antoine Bourbonnais around 1855. The dress is made of leather and decorated with beadwork and tapestry. The mjegode’ [wedding dress] is part of the permanent collection and on exhibition at the Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center.