Paul Schmidlkofer is a native of Shawnee, Oklahoma and descendant of the Tescier and Greemore families on his grandmother’s side. He has served as the legislator for District 12 since June 2008, following the 2007 CPN constitution ratification to include representation for the entire United States. As a military child, Schmidlkofer was born at Altus Air Force Base in Altus, …
Segnak was a warrior from Illinois and son of a powerful headman among the Milwaukee villages. In 1808, Segnak was personally invited to meet President Thomas Jefferson to discuss peace among Natives and settlers. He was a veteran of the War of 1812, known for his victories at Fort Dearborn and Frenchtown. After the war, Segnak was interested in making …
Shissahecon was a respected headman and warrior among the St. Joseph Potawatomi. He was the son of famed leader Nanaquiba and brother to Topinabee and Chebass. Active in tribal affairs, he signed the 1795 peace Treaty of Greenville and was among many who opposed American encroachment and the sale of Native lands. In 1838, Shissahecon and his family were among …
Born from Irish roots Thomas Slavin was born in Ulster, Ireland, in about 1820. After his first wife died, he later married Nah-nis, or Mary. She was the daughter of Nah-nim-nuk-skuk and O-Ke-wich. She was born in Kansas in 1848. Thomas and Mary had two children: Mary in 1869 and Joseph T. on April 12, 1870. Thomas died on Dec. …
One of the eldest representatives on the Citizen Potawatomi Legislature, Kansas City, Missouri’s Roy Slavin saw the vast changes Native Americans have gone through in the 20 and 21st centuries. He was born in St. Joseph, Missouri, to Roy and Irene Slavin in 1933. He began representing Citizen Potawatomi Nation District 1 in August 2007 CPN constitutional revision, which created …
Humiliated by the defeat of Josiah Harmar, the U.S. commissioned another major expedition against the Northwest tribes under the command of General Arthur St. Clair. Near present Fort Recovery, Ohio, Mshikenikwe, Shawnee leader Weyapiersenwah and a force of over one thousand inflicted greater losses than the previous year. Due to the military disaster, the United States ordered the first internal …