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Juneau, Solomon

Solomon Juneau was a French-Canadian fur trader, land speculator and politician. Arriving at Fort Michilimackinac, Michigan, in 1816, Juneau worked as a clerk in the fur trade. Two years later, he became an agent for the American Fur Company and was stationed in Wisconsin. Juneau would soon find success through his employment by local trader Jacques Vieau, later marrying Josette, the daughter of Jacques and his Potawatomi wife, Angelique Roy. It was through these corporate and familial ties that Juneau prospered and would eventually become a co-founder of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This connection also helped him establish relationships with the Menominee and other local tribes. From a family of explorers, Solomon’s cousin Joseph Juneau was the founder of Juneau, Alaska.


Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center: Collections and Research Division. 2005. Juneau Family Manuscripts

Citizen Potawatomi Nation Cultural Heritage Center: Collections and Research Division. 2005. Vieux Family Manuscripts

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