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Browse Indian Territory

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Wabshkebyek [Sage]

Sage and its smoke are used for purification. This medicine is for ceremonies to purify the environment and those in attendance.

Watseka [Daughter of the Evening Star]

Watseka, also known as Watchekee, was the daughter of respected warrior and leader Shabbone and Monashki. Watseka had a reputation for being intelligent and beautiful. Family records indicate she was born during a bright star. Potawatomi often used natural phenomenon to denote time rather than years. After the Potawatomi signed the 1833 Treaty of Chicago, she was among those who …

Wishkpemishkos [Sweet Grass]

Sweet grass and its smoke are used for purification. It is considered a gift from and the hair of Mother Earth, gathered and braided to pay homage.