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Wabshkebyek [Sage]

Sage and its smoke are used for purification. This medicine is for ceremonies to purify the environment and those in attendance.

Wédasé [Warrior]

The rank of warrior among Potawatomi was one of great honor and responsibility. Those who were victorious in battle were given the title of Wédasé, meaning brave or strong hearted. Often, they became members of the village warrior society, defending and policing the community. A rite of passage, warrior training began at an early age. Young boys were taught by …

Windego [Cannibal]

The cold, harsh winters of the Great Lakes, inspired stories of the Windego, a man-eating creature that hunted in blizzards, possessing and devouring the ill willed.

Wishkpemishkos [Sweet Grass]

Sweet grass and its smoke are used for purification. It is considered a gift from and the hair of Mother Earth, gathered and braided to pay homage.

Wishkpemishkos [Sweetgrass Braid]

73in L x 4in W x 4in H The sweetgrass braid was woven by and a gift from the Walpole Island First Nation to the Citizen Potawatomi Nation. It was presented to Citizen Potawatomi Nation Chairman, John A. Barrett, from Walpole Island First Nation Chief, Daniel R. Miskokomon, at the Tribal Leaders’ Meeting on July 29, 2016. The sweetgrass braid …